Yes, there are articles on the internet discussing pest infestation. However, we need to be careful about what we read and then decide what to do. Not all pests are harmful. In fact, all have certain purposes in running the ecological system of the world. There are certain pests that should not be allowed at home as they can cause harm to human health or life.

Following are few points laying the importance of certain pests around you:

  • End of Species

If you are planning to kill a certain type of pests, you are playing with that particular type of species. This could mean you are trying to put an end to one type of species at your place. Of course, you alone will not be responsible for this act or cannot do this alone, but there can be many like you who will try to exterminate certain species from their place. 

Putting an end to a particular species would mean making that species extinct from the world. This can have an adverse effect on the cycle of Mother Nature.  

  • Disturbance to Mother Nature

You simply cannot put all the pests in one category. You will need to first understand what type is the most stubborn of all and causing a lot of damage inside the house or your property. Focus on these pests only. The other pests surviving out in the open are not of much harm to you. They are actually responsible to run the cycle of ecological balance. 

Any negative step against any of the harmless pests can disturb the natural habitation and cycle as a whole.   

  • Effect on Other Living Creatures 

One pest is responsible for the other pest’s death. This means there are predators as pests who feed on other pests and make your space free from certain stubborn pests. This is the most natural way to cut down the growth of pests at your place. If you exterminate the non-targeted pests too, you are creating a natural imbalance knowingly or unknowingly. 

Extermination of predator pests is a negative effect on many other living creatures on this planet. Ignore the non-targeted pests while doing pest control. 

  • Effect on Agricultural Produce

There are certain pests that help you to increase soil fertility thereby increasing the agricultural produce. These pests mean no harm to the crops and soil. If you plan to kill them all, the soil fertility will be in big question. This can also have a negative impact on the agricultural produce. 

Hence, spray only as much insecticide as required only to protect your crops from being eaten by some other pests. 

  • Dead Bodies Decay Faster

Without bacteria and insects (in pests’ category), dead bodies will not decay. This will spoil the land and cause contamination everywhere. You simply cannot even imagine how fatal the conditions can be to human life. When dead animals or plants decay, they make space for a new life. This helps in making the natural cycle of life after death run smoothly.  

  • Reduce the Effects of Climate Change

The relationship of pests and weather is strange and 100 per cent true. Every climate change brings new pests. There are pests for hot and humid climate and then there are some others for bearing the extreme cold and rains. Each pest has a distinct duty during a particular climate. 

If you kill them all during the climate change, there can be adverse effects on human health and life too.  

Websites like can give you detailed information on how to balance pest management.

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